NYPD Launches Knightscope Security Robot Service in Manhattan Subway.
Mayor Adams Expands on Cops, Cameras and Care for Safer Transit System
Knightscope, Inc. a leading developer of autonomous security robots and blue light emergency communication systems, on September 22 2023 announced that the City of New York and the New York Police Department (“NYPD”) launched the Knightscope K5 security robot service at a press conference in a Manhattan subway station with the support of the Metrpolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”). The first two weeks will be spent on training, configuration and setup protocols for the autonomous robot to navigate followed by patrol activities between the hours of 12:00am and 6:00am.
“Today we are launching a pilot program to test the Knightscope K5 security robot,” said Mayor Eric Adams, City of New York. “The NYPD must be on the forefront of technology and be 2 steps ahead of those utilizing technology to hurt New Yorkers.”
Other police departments have been successfully using Knightscope’s technologies for years, with one Los Angeles County, California, agency praising the Company for reducing crime in a popular public park. Knightscope offers public safety officials an effective way to augment their agencies, which in many cases are already strained by an alarming decline in law enforcement officers in spite of growing populations.
“This is a good investment in taxpayer dollars,” continued Adams, further advising that the K5 operates “…below minimum wage – no bathroom breaks, no meal breaks.”
The robots are also fun, engaging, photographic and respectful of everyone’s privacy, making them ideal candidates to support policing across the United States.

“Today we take that notion of tried-and-true policing of assigning a transit cop to their post, and we bring that to a different level,” stated Michael Kemper, chief of NYPD Transit. “It’s fitting that we’re near the theater district, because today the K5 is taking center stage. Welcome to New York City, K5!”
Deploying the K5 to protect transit, in particular, is key to ensuring the prosperity and stability of the economy. People must feel safe using train and bus systems to move freely about a city, and Knightscope technologies have already proven to effectively and efficiently protect the places people live, work, study, travel and visit.
“This will very likely be the highest ridership week we’ve had since the pandemic over 3 years ago, “ said Richard Davey, president of NYC Transit. “Why? Because we’ve been focused on faster service, cleaner service and safer service. This device… it will keep you safe.”
“Twenty-two years and ten days ago, I committed to help better secure our country. I’ve never been as proud of Knightscope and our relentless team as I am today seeing our robot in Federal Blue wearing an NYPD patch on its shoulder.”
Responding to the press conference, a very joyful and emotional William Santana Li, Knightscope’s CEO and native New Yorker, stated
In Oct 2022, Knightscope acquired CASE Emergency Systems a leader in blue light emergency phones and an innovator in next generation wireless emergency communications technology, providing Knightscope with a strategic entry into a nationwide market.
The acquisition is planned to contribute to Knightscope’s sales strategy, given CASE’s relationships with numerous key clients, including major airports, top law enforcement agencies, universities, municipalities, rail, healthcare, parks, and the U.S. Federal Government. These relationships will compliment and strengthen Knightscope’s growing autonomous security robot business with a comprehensive product portfolio and broadened physical footprint.
About Knightscope
Knightscope is an advanced public safety technology company that builds fully autonomous security robots and blue light emergency communications systems that help protect the places people live, work, study and visit. Knightscope’s long-term ambition is to make the United States of America the safest country in the world.