ConneCT Checkpoint Security System

Rochester International Airport Deploys Analogic ConneCT™ CT Checkpoint Security Screening Solution.

New Security Scanners Use Computed Tomography Technology (CT) to Improve Security and Passenger Experience.

BOSTON, May 16, 2022 – Analogic Corporation announced the successful deployment and installation today of its ConneCT™ Computed Tomography (CT) checkpoint security screening system in collaboration with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Checkpoint Property Screening System (CPSS) Program. The ConneCT™ CT checkpoint security screening system was installed at a TSA checkpoint in Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC) in New York state. In support of the TSA CPSS Program, Analogic is deploying over 300 ConneCT screening systems to airport security checkpoints across the country. The new CT screening technology is expected to significantly improve aviation security and passenger experience by providing enhanced 3-D images to security officers and by limiting divesture, all in a touch-free environment.

“This deployment is a tribute to the strong collaboration between Rochester Airport, the local TSA staff, and Analogic’s service and install team.” Mr. Ripp continued: “This project also shows how TSA’s investments in improved aviation security help the U.S. manufacturing base. Not only is Analogic headquartered in the USA, one of our key suppliers is Precise Tool and Manufacturing, which is located in the Rochester metropolitan area.”

Tom Ripp, CEO of Analogic said:
Analogic. CT Checkpoint Security

“Precise Tool and Manufacturing is proud to partner in the manufacturing of components for Analogic on the TSA’s airport security program. These new CT systems at the Greater Rochester Airport provide increased security while at the same time improving passengers’ ease of travel. We look forward to our continued partnership to produce quality components for Analogic to ensure that travelers across the country can enjoy these benefits and the hard work of our employees here in Rochester.”

John Gizzi, President of Precise Tool and Manufacturing commented

“As one of the first airports in the nation to implement this new technology, the Frederick Douglass Greater International Airport is helping to lead the way in the future of security screening. I’m proud to know that Precise Tool, a Rochester-based supplier, is playing a key role in creating these machines, and in keeping passengers safe in airports across the country.”

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer said

The Analogic ConneCT is an advanced security screening system that delivers superior threat detection. It combines CT 3-D imaging with advanced explosive threat detection software. The technology allows airports and regulators to permit passengers to leave approved liquids and electronics in their bags at the screening checkpoints, reducing the need for passengers to divest items and improving the passenger experience. As part of the TSA’s CPSS program, the ConneCT system successfully completed TSA’s rigorous qualification process under the CPSS Program and was subsequently approved for procurement and deployment to U.S. airports.